Tuesday, August 2, 2016

ICT as Communication Tools

As the needs of society and the skills required to driven in today’s world have shifted over time, the call to use technology to support young learners in becoming creators, mathematical and computational thinkers, inventors and problem solvers is starting to transform in the classroom.
In today’s world technology affords students access to experiences. ICT in 21st century is a communication tools, therefore, using any advanced materials in a constructive ways proves to be crucial for better learning. It is not necessarily to use computers and other devices in teaching learning. And these devices are not accessible in remote schools. Therefore, one way of effective teaching is through using improvised materials and using of good sets of materials supplied by the Ministry of Education.

I consider that using of appropriate materials is likely to be advantageous for the acquisition of 21st century skills which includes ways of thinking, ways of working and skills for living in the world. It all depends on ones creativeness in using the teaching learning materials. I assure that using snap cubes is also one of the communication tools provided and used meaningfully. 

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